Monday, January 25, 2010


I just want to thank everyone for their unconditional support. I've received a number of very encouraging emails and I am just so grateful.

It is so SO hard for me to be open and honest about this. It's a real struggle. So thank you for being warm and kind.

Speaking of supportive emails, someone forwarded me some information about a local therapist that specializes in individual and group therapy for compulsive overeaters. I'm going to do a bit of research on him and take the information to my own therapist on Saturday and see what she says.

The more support, the better. And as someone said yesterday in OA, every minute that I'm receiving support is a minute that I'm not overeating.

One day at a time!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad OA is helping! :) I am proud of you and I love you. You can do it!
