Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another email update

I received an email from Nurse J at the MyNewSelf Surgical Weight Loss program, which is the program that I'm interested in joining in town, about upcoming seminars and the such. So I responded with the following email, to keep moving this process forward:

Hi J,

I think we've spoken on the phone a number of times. Anyway, I did have a few questions that I was hoping you could answer.

So I've submitted 3 insurances now and have been denied all 3 now I'm considering paying for the Lap-Band out of pocket. How much does the procedure cost, if paying out of pocket? I may up applying for a personal loan, so I'm just wondering about the ball park figure. Is there any sort of payment plan? Or is it a lump sum payment?

Also, my dad is not completely sold on the procedure and would like an opportunity to learn/hear more about it and ask some tough questions, since he too is a physician. Would that be an actual appointment with Dr. M? Or would we have to come speak with someone else? Would that be a separate appointment from when Dr. M(or whomever) would be doing an actual health screening, etc? Would I need a referral in order to come see Dr. M for just informational purposes? Or would I have to pay? How would that work exactly? If I wanted to have a one-on-one with him (or another surgeon) with my dad? How would I go about scheduling that? My dad would like to meet with him prior to my actually becoming a patient/signing up for the procedure.

Sorry to bombard you with a lot of questions. I'd love to know your thoughts.

Thanks in advance,


I'll keep you updated.

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