Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Now that I have your attention...

Now that I have your attention, let me start at the beginning of my journey and catch you up to speed.

Spring 2009.
I was home for Passover and remember having a conversation with my dad and stepmom that went a little something like this:
Me: Ugh, I'm fat.
Them: Yeah you are.
Me: What do I do?
Them: Have a meal replacement shake.
Me: Can't I just have weight loss surgery?
Them: Great idea! We support you!

Summer 2009.
I googled and found out some information about the Lap-Band procedure. Sounds very interesting. I show materials to stepmom and dad.
Me: What do you think?
Them: Have a meal replacement shake.
Me: Ugh.
Them: We support you!

Also Summer 2009.
I find a doctor in town that has a special weight loss surgery practice, with surgeons, psychiatrists, and nutritionists all in one place. Score! And they're having a free seminar tomorrow!
I drag my sister, it's very interesting, and I learn a lot. I immediately submit my school insurance information and wait.


Late Summer 2009.
Having been denied by my insurance company, I start searching online for another health insurance company. Turns out that in the past, my stepmom's insurance company has covered the surgery. But, not surprisingly, she refuses to let me join her insurance, even though I'm technically still below the cutoff age. [what I think she failed to understand is that she would not be paying for my part of the insurance or for any associated costs of the surgery. I would take care of that. I just needed her to find out how to add me to her plan. Denied] My sister, and insurance guru, helps me search online. Most places screen me and say due to my weight, they can't insure me. [Well if that's not a catch-22, I don't know what is. You won't insure me because I'm fat and could die. I could die because I'm fat and need insurance. Which came first: the chicken or the egg?] I finally find a health plan [Beechstreet] that supposedly covers 50% of the surgery. Score! I'll figure out a way to come up with the other half! I go ahead and order the plan.

Early Fall 2009.
My school switched insurance companies! I'll submit this one and see if they'll cover the surgery! And I'll submit the aforementioned health plan. Sweet! Denied. Denied. [What? The health plan won't cover 50% like I was told? Yep, lying dickheads]

That brings us up to date.

What do I do now?



  1. I am totally supportive of you and you know I would do anything for you. I'm proud of you for sharing your feelings with the world and when your story becomes a worldwide sensation, can someone other than Ricki Lake play me in the movie? I also want to take Christian Bale as my eye candy to the premiere, cool? I love you darling :)

  2. I love you so so so much. So much!

  3. Um, shit, I'm taking Christian Bale. Sorry!
